The president has COVID. It’s typically good form to wish someone well, even if you don’t particularly care for that person. So, how can a liberal or Never Trumper keep their humanity while also making it clear they don’t like the president or agree with his actions? Here are some options.
Get well soon?
Don’t worry, you’ll be back to trying to steal the election in no time!
I’m sorry you’re sick, but not that sorry, because you’re kind of a dick.
Hey, at least you won’t have to be quarantined in a cage!
I want you out of the Oval Office, but not until January 20.
Don’t die, you have to stand trial.
I think RBG cursed you.
Four more years (not in office, instead I mean, I hope you live at least four more years somewhere else that isn’t the White House).
I vote yes for your health, and no to pretty much anything else you do.
It’s not fake news, but I bet you wish it were — and for once, I do too!
No one in the history of contagious diseases has ever had a contagious disease like you.
I feel bad for you and the other 7,000,000 Americans who have tested positive for the virus.
Sad! Yes, I’m truly sad for you.
The virus came on you like a bitch.
Sucks to have something force itself on you without your consent, doesn’t it?
Don’t worry it’s just a hoax.
Viral hoax. Too soon?