The Billionaire

Dec 12, 2022


Seeks a monopoly,

On the one thing,

He doesn’t own.

The billionaire,

Builds rockets — burns,

Money, the fuel,

Pushing him farther,

Into his own orbit,

Earth already his,

The billionaire,

Reaches for the stars,

Just so the world will look


At him.

A twisted plant,

Following the spotlight,

An invasive species,

Taking root in your attention.

The billionaire,

Thrives on your energy,

Do not give him your sun,

But the shade cast from your back,

As you turn away.

Men with so much,

Are men who want more,

And what,

The billionaire,

Wants now,

Is to be a shareholder —

In your life,

To purchase,

The priceless.




Written by EWE

Dad. Husband. Writer. Dork.

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