We the people are so fed up with the distrustful, lying government that we reelected a distrustful liar as president. We the people are so outraged by the immoral act of abortion that we picked a rapist, one who brags about grabbing women by the pussy, to uphold the rule of law by stacking the courts with conservative judges who gavel with a rubber stamp, thus signing, sealing, and delivering feudal justice for the third string king of kings, the tyrant orange false profit in a too-long tie with a criminal record and a get out of jail free card.
We the people, are tired. We work. We raise kids. We worry about money, the stress our currency, a commodity we trade with other adults in conversation. We don’t have time for history, for politics, for policy, for long-form print pieces, we’re too busy being grist for the mill, and those precious free seconds come at a cost, to the collective well-being
We the people see a millionaire, a familiar figure from Must See TV, a name associated with wealth or success or penthouse apartments, chauffeured limousines with a phone in the back that only connects to the driver in the front, and we say that’s our guy. We the people chose a man we want to be, someone who fails up, someone buoyed by their mistakes, not weighed down by them, someone so big he steps on little people like us in his hand-me-down designer shoes, a generational wealth rags to riches, have others pull you up by your bootstraps, American fever dream.
We the people want a lid on the melting pot. We want a chef who knows the recipe, uses only the right ingredients, understands what we like, and isn’t afraid to dump out the pot and start over. We the people need a protector at the gate using Liberty’s torch as a weapon to scare away the huddled monsters yearning to breathe our freedom. We the people are all caps italicized, THE PEOPLE. Our undocumented ancestors came to this country in search of freedom and the only way to protect our future from vermin like them is by reelecting a man with a German last name.
We the people think the government should stay out of our affairs and mind your business. We need a small federal government, one that provides for the national defense. The rest should be left to the states to decide who can vote, who has bodily autonomy, what books kids can read, what bathrooms people can use, what gets taught in schools, and who wins an election.
We the people need an authoritarian president, a man who will rule over you and lead us because WE ARE THE PEOPLE.