Eleven Questions Debate Moderator Chris Wallace Should Ask Donald Trump
- Can we see your birth certificate — the real one?
- Fill in the blank: person, woman, man, camera,________
- Eric or Don Jr., you can only save one. Who would you pick?
- Ivanka, Lara Trump, Kimberly Guilfoyle. Bang, marry, kill?
- What does covfefe mean?
- Does lying keep you alive? By this I mean does your body operate differently than ours and rather than blood, requires a steady supply of untruths to function properly? In other words, do you lie out of medical necessity?
- You’ve said if re-elected you’d push to have the Affordable Care Act repealed. Describe your health plan without using the words “beautiful” “tremendous” “incredible” “big” “magnificent” “in the history of” or “like you’ve ever/never seen.”
- For this question, the only acceptable answers are yes or no, meaning you can only say “yes” or “no.” Do you commit to a peaceful transfer of power should you lose the election?
- Here’s another fill in the blank. The buck stops ___________. Choose one of the following for your answer. A)Here B)The Fake News Media C) The Deep State D)Obama E) Nancy Pelosi F) Insert insult followed by a person’s name e.g., “Sleepy Joe” G) All of the above except A.
- You have a history of undermining science. I’m thinking specifically of climate change, and most recently, coronavirus. Let’s say the FDA approves a vaccine. Will you take it?
- Seriously though, show us the birth certificate.
Bonus question: Are you, as they say, “broke as a joke?” Specifically, do you have to lift up the couch cushions in a desperate attempt to find change so you can purchase something off of the McDonald’s Dollar Menu?
Read: 15 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Mitch McConnell